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Pastor Tom’s Virtual Church Services Help Annan Court Residents Keep The Faith

3 November 2021

Pastor Tom’s Virtual Church Services Help Annan Court Residents Keep The Faith

Personalised church services from Pastor Tom Bonnar have provided a spiritual lifeline to Residents at Annan Court during the pandemic.

Activities Co-ordinator June Fitzpatrick reached out to Pastor Tom after talking to Residents about their faith and how important it was in their lives.

She arranged for weekly church services from the Sanquhar Congregational Church to be screened at Annan Court.

In addition, Pastor Tom has had FaceTime calls with worshippers and even recorded a special Annan Court message for YouTube.

June said: “Our weekly services from Sanquhar Congregational Church are my most well-attended activity each week.

“Pastor Tom is a very personable man and makes the services so relevant for his congregation.

“He films them in different places, including at outdoor locations, and Residents love to see him.

“They really look forward to his services every week.”

The impact on Residents has been profound, particularly as many of them have a strong connection to the church.

Pastor Tom has continued the communion aspect of the service, with June administering the bread and wine.

June said that the services had inspired deep conversations about faith, life, and God, which enrich the lives of Residents and keep their minds active.

June said: “One of our Residents never used to join in activities and preferred to keep to her room.

“But since we’ve been screening Pastor Tom’s services, she never misses one, and she tells me that they ‘make her feel better.’

“For this lady, and many others at Annan Court, the church has been a constant in their lives.

“We’ve had such interesting conversations that are sparked by the hymns or the sermon, and it’s been great to facilitate these meaningful moments.

“I know the Residents cannot wait to meet Pastor Tom when he’s finally able to visit us in person.

“They were chuffed to bits with the special Annan Court message that he posted on YouTube for us.”