Paisley Abbey Scout Group Donate Bright And Beautiful Bird Houses To Braemount
20 March 2021
The Residents of Braemount Care Home have been delighted by the arrival of some beautifully decorated birdhouses, courtesy of a local Scout group.
Home Manager Richard Murray is the leader of the 2nd Paisley Abbey Scout Group and supported the youngsters to create eye-catching wildlife havens.
The birdhouses were donated to the scout group by community organisation Friends of Barshaw Park.
The children suggested that they could add colour to Braemount care home’s gardens if they decorated and donated them on.
The Residents were blown away when they saw the finished results, and the birdhouses are now installed in the trees in Braemount’s ground.
Home Manager Richard said that one Resident, in particular, has really appreciated the new arrivals.
Richard said: “One of our Residents, James, was a groundskeeper and loves being outdoors.
“He took charge of filling up our bird feeders long ago, and now he can go round and check out all the bird boxes.
“James also draws pictures of the birdlife that arrives – it’s a great hobby for him.
“I’m proud of the Scouts for doing such great work to bring more wildlife to our gardens.”
The Scouts have been working on a larger project called ‘Care for Care Homes’ since the first lockdown. They also enjoyed a talk from a guest speaker from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
By combining both things, they’ve been able to work towards part of their badges and do good in their local community, for Residents and birds alike.
Richard said: “It’s lovely for Residents to be able to sit and watch the birds arrive – we’re wondering what new visitors we’ll be welcoming this year.
“They are a great addition to our garden.”