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Bishop’s Cleeve Care Home’s Knit & Natter Group Crafts Warmth for Ukrainian Refugees

29 April 2024

Bishop Cleeve Care Home’s weekly Knit & Natter group isn’t just about stitching together fabrics, it’s about weaving bonds of warmth and compassion. This year, their needles click with purpose as they knit hats and scarves for Ukrainian refugees facing another bitter winter in cold camp conditions.

Last year, their collective effort resulted in a cozy Home Blanket, but this time, their focus is on providing practical warmth to those in need. With a goal of crafting at least 50 hats, the group has embarked on a colorful journey, drawing inspiration from the vibrant hues of wool collected for the cause.

What sets this knitting circle apart is its inclusivity. While some members opt for traditional knit methods, others embrace the ease of knitting looms, especially beneficial for those battling arthritis. Together, they form a tapestry of skill and compassion, each stitch a symbol of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Among the knitters is a Ukrainian refugee named Vladimir, who now calls Bishop’s Cleeve, home. Despite his advanced dementia and limited English, Vladimir’s presence adds a poignant layer to their mission. During a recent Staff Huddle, Vladimir accidentally joined the group, drawn by the warmth and laughter. As one of the hats was placed on his head, his face lit up with a radiant smile, a silent yet powerful acknowledgment of the love and care woven into every stitch.

In a world often divided by borders and language barriers, the Bishop’s Cleeve Knit & Natter group serves as a beacon of hope, bridging gaps with threads of empathy and compassion.