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£24,000 as funds donated by Advinia to Akshaya Patra UK, nourishing close to 50,000 children and the vulnerable with a hot, balanced, vegetarian meal
£20,000 contributed to the care workers charity which helps many care workers facing difficulties

Stonedale Lodge Residents Enjoy Pie Week Treat Gifted By Local Shop

8 March 2020

Local supermarket gifts pies

National Pie Week was one to remember for the Residents of Stonedale Lodge this year, thanks to a kind donation from supermarket Jack’s.

The big-hearted store donated 32 delicious steak pies, chips, peas and gravy so Residents could enjoy an in-house celebration.

As the kitchen team got to work to prepare a feast for everyone to enjoy, Senior Activities Co-ordinator Karen Dransfield hit upon another idea to make the event memorable.

She decided to combine a special pie and pint afternoon with World Book Day celebrations too, so she staged a one-woman performance of scenes from Pinocchio.

With great food and fun entertainment, Karen said the Residents thoroughly enjoyed the festivities.

Karen said: “It was so kind of Jack’s to donate a pie week feast, we wanted to make it a memorable afternoon.

“Each Resident got to enjoy pie tasters and a pint, which went down a storm.

“The Pinocchio sketches were a hoot to play, the Residents love it when they can get involved with a bit of fun. All in all, it was a happy, fun-filled afternoon, and everyone enjoyed themselves.”