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Rutherglen Care Home Residents Enjoy Therapeutic Outing to Grow73’s Community Garden

14 May 2024

In a heart-warming excursion, residents of Rutherglen Care Home embarked on their first visit of the year to Grow73’s community garden in Overton Park on Thursday, April 11th. The outing marked not only a delightful day out but also showcased the transformative power of nature over time.

Upon arrival, residents were greeted by a scene vastly different from their last visit, demonstrating the ever-changing beauty of the garden. The atmosphere was abuzz with activity, and to the residents’ delight, they encountered familiar faces from Ace Place Nursery, who frequent the garden for picnics.

Agnes Graham, aged 77, found solace in the serenity of the pond area, expressing her appreciation for the tranquility it offered. “It’s lovely, so peaceful,” she remarked, adding, “I like coming here; there’s always something new to see.” Similarly, Janette Muirhead, aged 75, couldn’t contain her joy at encountering a friendly canine companion during their visit. “I loved seeing the wee dog who said hello, love dogs,” she shared with a smile.

Before concluding their outing, the group took a moment to visit the Queen Victoria Jubilee Fountain. One highlight of the visit was the discovery of a raised bed specifically designed for wheelchair users, generously provided by Grow73. The prospect of planting in this accessible space sparked excitement among the residents, leading to spirited discussions about which flowers and vegetables to cultivate. After much deliberation, it was decided to divide the bed, planting half with flowers and the other half with vegetables.

Reflecting on the day’s events, Maureen and Rachel, the care home’s activity coordinators, expressed gratitude for the proximity of such a valuable resource. “We are so lucky to have this facility, literally, on our doorstep,” Maureen remarked, encapsulating the sentiment shared by all who attended.