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Rutherglen Care Home Welcomes Ace Place Nursery for Easter Bonnet Fun

19 March 2024

Rutherglen Care Home experienced an extra dose of joy and laughter as the youngsters from Ace Place Nursery paid a delightful visit. Amidst the cheerful atmosphere, children and residents alike bonded over a shared activity of making Easter bonnets, creating precious moments of intergenerational connection.

The care home’s residents eagerly embraced the opportunity to assist the children in crafting their festive bonnets, relishing in the chance to impart their wisdom and share in the excitement of the creative process. As glue sticks and colorful decorations adorned the bonnets, smiles lit up the room.

Following the crafting session, the children treated the residents to a heartwarming performance of songs, including the beloved classic “Little Peter Rabbit,” complete with playful actions that elicited laughter and applause from all present. Witnessing the genuine delight on the faces of both the children and the residents served as a testament to the power of shared experiences to foster connections across generations.

Looking ahead to their next visit scheduled for March 26th, anticipation mounts as the children prepare for an Easter Bonnet parade, showcasing their creations and spreading holiday cheer throughout the care home. Once again, the day will culminate in a joyous sing-along session, uniting young and old in the universal language of music and laughter.

Reflecting on the joyous occasion, Morag Harper, aged 84, shared her sentiments, remarking, “It’s always so nice to see the children; it makes you smile, and doing the crafts with them reminded me of when I led the Brownies group.” Similarly, May Wilson, aged 90, echoed the sentiment, simply stating, “Aren’t they just lovely.”

As Rutherglen Care Home continues to foster meaningful connections between residents and the wider community, events like these serve as poignant reminders of the beauty found in moments of shared joy and companionship, transcending age barriers and nurturing bonds that enrich the lives of all involved.