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Ryland View Building Strong Intergenerational Links with FaNs Project

15 May 2024

Ryland View Care Home is spearheading efforts to foster intergenerational connections in the Midlands region, through their participation in FaNs (Care Home Friends and Neighbours) project. As England’s largest intergenerational initiative involving care homes, FaNs has brought together over 4000 young people and 2000 older individuals, fostering meaningful relationships and social interaction.

The FaNs project aims to bridge the generation gap by connecting young people aged between 5-14 from local schools and youth groups with older residents living in care homes. At Ryland View, this initiative has flourished, with residents and children from Smarty Pants Nursery, Great Bridge Primary School, and St Martins C E Primary School coming together to form bonds and share experiences.

Smarty Pants Nursery, Great Bridge Primary School, and St. Martin’s C E Primary School are among the local institutions actively involved in intergenerational projects with Ryland View. Representatives from these organizations express their enthusiasm for the initiative, highlighting the positive impact it has had on both the younger and older participants.

“It’s great how we are linking together, seeing how the younger children are interacting with the older generation,” remarks a representative from Smarty Pants Nursery. Similarly, Great Bridge Primary School expresses excitement about the upcoming Garden Project, emphasizing the value of building relationships across generations.

St. Martin’s C E Primary School is particularly dedicated to becoming the first Dementia Friendly School, with Ryland View serving as an ideal partner in achieving this goal. They eagerly anticipate working with the residents to build meaningful relationships and create a more inclusive community.

Through initiatives like FaNs, Ryland View Care Home is not only enriching the lives of its residents but also fostering a sense of community and understanding across generations. By nurturing these intergenerational links, Ryland View is paving the way for a more connected and compassionate society.