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Ryland View Care Home Hosts Intergenerational Garden Project with Local School

22 May 2024

Yesterday, Ryland View Care Home witnessed a heartwarming event as Sarah, the Activity Co-Ordinator, and resident Garden Champion Mick, led an Intergenerational Garden Project. The initiative brought together residents and children from Great Bridge Primary School to rejuvenate the Haines Unit’s garden.

The young volunteers worked diligently alongside staff and residents, adding vibrant touches to the garden and enhancing its beauty. The collaborative effort not only transformed the garden but also fostered meaningful connections between the generations.

Mick, who has made significant progress since moving to Ryland View, expressed his gratitude in a touching way. Throughout the week, he created colourful pictures for each child as a thank you for their hard work and support in brightening the garden. “I love meeting with the children and being Garden Champion has really brought a sense of purpose back to my life,” Mick shared. “As a thank you, I have made some pictures for all the children.”

Lois, the Champion Representative from Great Bridge Primary School, highlighted the positive impact of the event, saying, “This is lovely for our children to do. It is wonderful to see both generations mixing together to build a special relationship!”

In addition to the gardening activities, Sarah encouraged the children to think of a name for the newly improved garden. The chosen name will be unveiled during the children’s next visit, adding an exciting element of anticipation and continued engagement.

The Intergenerational Garden Project at Ryland View not only beautified the garden but also strengthened the bond between the residents and the local schoolchildren, creating a sense of community and mutual appreciation.