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£24,000 as funds donated by Advinia to Akshaya Patra UK, nourishing close to 50,000 children and the vulnerable with a hot, balanced, vegetarian meal
£20,000 contributed to the care workers charity which helps many care workers facing difficulties

Ryland View Celebrates Coffee Shop Reopening With Cream Tea!

10 March 2022

Ryland View Celebrates Coffee Shop Reopening With Cream Tea!

A delicious afternoon tea was the centrepiece of the Ryland View coffee lounge reopening event this spring.

The lounge had been closed during the pandemic, but Colleagues threw the doors open again for Residents.

Chef cooked up delicious scones, which were served with cream and jam Devonshire-style at the fun-filled event.

Colleagues served tea and coffee in bone china to the delighted Residents, who enjoyed a social afternoon together.

Activities Co-ordinator Julie Robinson said it was lovely to see the coffee lounge buzzing with chatter again.

Julie said: “The Residents had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed their cream tea treat!

“The Ryland View coffee lounge was a big hit before the pandemic as we make it available to Residents and Relatives.

“We have cakes and beverages available so they can enjoy a nice visit together.

“Now it’s reopened, we’re looking forward to welcoming families back.”

Pre-pandemic, the Ryland View coffee lounge used to open on Thursdays every week to the local community.

According to Julie, plans are afoot to relaunch the community café.

Julie said: “We’re keen to bring the community back into Ryland View as our Thursday coffee shop was so popular.

“I used to pick up fresh bread, cobs, and sandwich fillings on the way to work, as well as cream cakes.

“With the donations given by patrons, we were able to pay for the following week’s refreshments.

“We’re working towards our goal to re-establish the community café later this year.”