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Residents Enjoy Carnival Celebrations At The Priory

13 September 2022

Residents Enjoy Carnival Celebrations At The Priory

The joyful spirit of this year’s Notting Hill Carnival was captured at a special event at The Priory this August.

Activities Co-ordinator Kenny Harrop got Residents in the carnival mood with a special craft session to design their own masks.

Residents used bright colours, feathers, and pom-poms to create the eye-catching carnival accessories.


Once they were made, the Residents were ready to hit the dancefloor to enjoy their in-Home musical festivities.

Kenny said: “Forget Notting Hill – the Priory was where all the best shapes were being thrown this year.

“We had a fabulous soundtrack of reggae, dancehall and carnival tunes on the stereo, which got Residents on their feet.

“I love going to the Notting Hill Carnival and attend every year, so it was great to share a taste of the event with the Residents.

“We all had a great time getting our groove on.”

The dancers kept themselves hydrated with a range of delicious tropical juices.

When it came time for food, Chef took diners on a trip to Jamacia for the country’s tasty jerk chicken dish.

Kenny said: “The jerk chicken and rice were fantastic, packed full of flavour.

“As well as the food, music, dancing and masks, we also did a quiz about the carnival and the nationalities involved.

“It was great to see the residents’ enthusiasm for learning more about the Notting Hill Carnival and why it’s so loved.

“This was the perfect event to close out our summer.”