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£24,000 as funds donated by Advinia to Akshaya Patra UK, nourishing close to 50,000 children and the vulnerable with a hot, balanced, vegetarian meal
£20,000 contributed to the care workers charity which helps many care workers facing difficulties

Stonedale Lodge Residents Feel The Love From Asda On Valentine’s Day

18 February 2020

valentines love from adsa

The Residents of Stonedale Lodge were bowled over by a Valentine’s Day treat from their local Asda store.

Each Resident received a personal goody bag from the supermarket giant, packed with chocolates, hand soaps, scented roses, flannels and other presents.


Asda wanted to make sure each Resident felt cherished on the official day of love, so also donated a giant hamper packed with delicious items for everyone to enjoy.


Senior Activities Co-ordinator Karen Dransfield said that gifts were gratefully received, and the Residents had a wonderful time at a special afternoon tea too.


Karen said: “Asda were unbelievably generous, and there were so many sweet treats that we put together an afternoon tea on Valentine’s Day.


“Resident’s love getting together to chat and enjoy activities, so it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.


“One of our Residents has a relative who works in Asda, so they made the magic happen and secured the donation to Stonedale Lodge.


“Everyone was made up by their gesture and enjoyed all the treats.”